Primary School
We know the importance of selecting the right school for your child. At Queen’s Qatar, we welcome students and families from all cultures and backgrounds to join our inclusive international community.
If you are considering joining Queen’s Qatar and would like to explore more, join a tour of the campus and meet with our senior leadership team. If you are applying from overseas, we can also arrange a virtual tour.
Open the Doors of Opportunity
Key Stage 1 and 2: Ages 5-11 years
As children progress into Key Stage 1, a seamless transition occurs as we align with the National Curriculum for England. Teachers work together to provide continuous support and thoughtfully selected provocations to spark exploration and engagement during these years.
Our forward-thinking thematic primary curriculum, Learning Means the World, is underpinned by four highly relevant world issues, known as the four C’s: culture, communication, conflict and conservation. Students are guided to lead their own learning through enquiry, developing important life skills and problem-solving abilities. The curriculum encompasses the foundation subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education and Computing.
As children move into the second phase of their primary education (Key Stage 2), we continue our focus of developing our children’s personal skills, ensuring that they develop into independent learners and critical thinkers.
Digital skills are an important part of the future-forward curriculum at Queen’s Qatar. Students learn how to use technology effectively and securely within the digital age. The programme encompasses computer skills, coding and digital safety.
Queen’s state-of-the-art facilities enable students to experience a broad and varied sports and activities curriculum focused on the development of fundamental movement skills, fine and gross motor skills, coordination and communication. The PE curriculum progressively builds key knowledge, skills and techniques which, combined with varied and flexible teaching styles, provides stimulating, challenging and enjoyable learning opportunities for pupils.
Our commitment to Arabic, Islamic Studies, and Qatar History continues, embracing the rich tapestry of our cultural education.