
Artemis Experience
We believe that when learning continues beyond the classroom, it is key to the whole development of the child’s character and readiness for life after school. Our broad and diverse offering of co-curricular activities, from sporting, music, drama, fine arts and digital technology academies, the Artemis Experience allows children to discover their greatness.
The Artemis Experience also focuses on families and the local community. Our campus is your campus as we provide opportunities for all to enjoy access to the school’s world-class facilities, which are available to rent after school hours. We also offer a range of classes to parents and members of the local community.
Artemex Academies and Adventures
Artemex Academies provide sporting, musical and drama pathways for students of all Artemis schools. The Academies are delivered by internationally-recognised professional and specialist staff and drive forward a distinctive culture of excellence among students. The Academies enhance the opportunities offered to our learners, their families and the community.
Artemex Adventures provides enriching and rewarding local and international trips. Working closely with the Artemis Promise, the Adventures programme offers students opportunities to broaden their horizons by engaging with enriching and memorable charitable projects, at home and abroad. Artemex Academies and Adventures enable students to discover their potential as global citizens, before they’ve even left school.

Artemis promise
We believe that part of our responsibility to the next generation is to continuously strive to neutralise our impact on the environment, embed sustainable practices and encourage students to positively impact their communities.
The Artemis Promise is to deliver a better planet for our children, their families, the communities in which we live, and the communities where we do not.